Holiday Gifts for the Gun Enthusiast

The holidays are officially here, so it’s time to make your gift list and check it twice. Not sure what to get for the gun enthusiast in your life? No problem.

Here are 7 ideas that are sure to hit their mark—

1. Electronic shooting earmuffs

Forget disposable foam earplugs. Electronic shooting earmuffs are the way to go for the best ear protection while at the gun range or when game hunting. Available in many styles and across all budgets, you can find some nice shooting earmuffs that will be sure to impress.

2. Firearm training

Consider sending your favorite gun enthusiast back to school—specifically for a concealed carry class (especially if he or she doesn’t have a permit). Even if your gun enthusiast doesn’t intend to keep a concealed carry weapon on his or her person at all times, firearm training is a valuable use of time and energy as these classes provide up-to-date information on gun safety and legal issues.

3. Gunpowder scented candle

Lavender- or cinnamon-scented candles are a dime a dozen. Your favorite gun enthusiast can now enjoy the smell of gunpowder any time day or night. And let’s be honest. What room would not instantly be improved by the scent of the very best gun range?

4. Gun-themed T-shirts

Who doesn’t love a gun-themed T-shirt? And if it’s mildly offensive for its truth, even better. When your gun enthusiast is wearing a T-shirt that accurately expresses his or her opinion, they never even need to open their mouth. In many cases, that’s a win/win.

5. Magazine subscription(s)

Subscriptions are the gift that keeps on giving all year. Need some suggestions? Field and Stream, Guns and Ammo, or Shooting Times are a good place to start. Find out if your gun enthusiast already receives magazines, or if there is a specific magazine that might be of interest.

6. Nerf gun(s)

If all else fails, buy a Nerf gun. Nerf wars comprise some of the best-ever childhood memories for many gun enthusiasts. Why not relive them? And since Nerf guns have only improved with time, it is sure to be even better this time around. Shoot a gun in your own house?—now you can.

7. Pistol safe

Gone are the days when you can slide your pistol into your nightstand drawer and trust that nobody will touch it.  The good news: gun safes come with all kinds of fun and creative options. Not interested in the traditional key lock? No problem. Choose one that comes with an electronic lock or even a biometric fingerprint lock. The choice is yours. You can even find safes that hold more than one gun.

Bonus: Ammo

If all else fails, ammo is always, always a good decision for a gun enthusiast. Just be sure you know what type of ammo to buy.

Want some more ideas—and even some specific brands to buy? Check out our Concealed Coalition gun and accessory reviews.

Happy holidays!

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