The In’s & Out’s of Online Gun Safety Classes

Gun safety is a subject that must be taken seriously. So if safety is so important then why are some states giving a thumbs up to online gun safety classes? While training on gun safety is critical to ensure the safety of the gun owner as well as the public at large, we cannot deny that we live in a hi-tech digital age. But is it possible to make firearm safety training simple, convenient, and available completely online while at the same time not compromising the seriousness and effectiveness of the training itself?

Experts find themselves split over this matter. Some believe hands on range training is critical to proper safety training while others believe training can be most effectively understood when a student is left to learn in the comfort of their own home at their own pace. State lawmakers are beginning to embrace this online training philosophy as well which has caused quite an uproar among traditional gun instructors who focus on holding classes in their local market(s).

We are early in the argument on this matter of the future of firearm safety training but it seems the best solution to this matter is for everyone to come together. Bringing the fast and effective online classes into unity with the traditional hands on localized training brings a win/win to all parties in the matter. While online training can reach anywhere in the world with an internet connection offering consumers the opportunity to immediate and open access to critical instruction in handling firearms, traditional classroom and range training classes offer many people the face to face, hand’s on, personalized instruction that they want or furthermore may be required by their state to apply for a gun permit.

Whichever direction you may think is the best, remember this, technology is not going away and resisting change only leads to obsoletion of effectiveness. All firearm instructors both online and offline must work together to achieve effectiveness.

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