What is the Concealed Coalition Membership?

Diverse group that makes up the Concealed Coalition

Over the past five years, Concealed Coalition has solidified its spot as an industry-leading provider of concealed carry training and certification. Week after week our elite network of trainers meet with law-abiding Americans who seek to exercise their right to carry a firearm and protect what matters most. When students leave a Concealed Coalition class, they are equipped with the education and resources they need to responsibly carry a concealed firearm. However, this in-person training is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to protecting ourselves or others.

Think back to when you first learned how to drive a car, what would you hear from parents and instructors over and over? “Be a defensive driver”, right? Learning how to drive is just one part of the equation. To be a safe driver, one must be aware of other drivers and practice this awareness on a daily basis. This same concept applies to defensive living. Knowing how to operate a firearm is great, but what about everything else leading up to *bang*?

Do you practice situational awareness to avoid danger?
Do you know how to deescalate a situation with skillful verbal commands?
Would pepper spray be a more appropriate and legal tool in a given situation?
Does your family have code words and a safety plan in place?
Do you have a legal plan in place if you find yourself in a situation where you used a firearm in self defense?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then keep reading — we designed our new product just for you.

Unfortunately the training required to cover all of these topics cannot be wrapped up into a one-day class, so we’ve spent the last year developing an online training curriculum where you can explore all aspects defensive living from the comfort of your own home, and at your own pace.

What’s the Membership All About?

This monthly membership was strategically designed with you in mind. We took the burning questions and concerns that our students ask us every week and packaged into one high-value bundle.

The Concealed Coalition Membership consists of two parts: Concealed Coalition University and Firearms Legal Protection. Concealed Coalition has strategically partnered with Firearms Legal Protection, the industry-leader in self defense legal protection to combine our top-tier training with legal defense should you ever have to lawfully defend yourself with a weapon, and then need legal representation.

Once you become a member you receive instant access to both legal protection and our exclusive online training program, Concealed Coalition University.

What is Concealed Coalition University?

Let’s face it, the world has changed. It is no secret that this generation is living in an increasingly dangerous society. Life in America is not the same as it was even a decade ago. Gone are the days of telling kids to come home as soon as the street lights turn on, or simply locking the door before bed. So how can the average citizen have peace of mind when they live in a world where they are forced to become their own first responder?

Concealed Coalition University is an online training course that takes a multi-pronged approach to defensive living. Curriculum covers all aspects of advanced firearm training, situational awareness, threat avoidance, personal, and family defense. Courses include the 5 Skills You Need After Defensive Firearm Use, Home Defense, Deescalation, Non-Lethal Defense, Cover Concealment and Safer Angles, and much more. At Concealed Coalition University, you will learn how to become your own first responder to better protect yourself and your loved ones.

Concealed Coalition University courses are divided by skillset.
Concealed Coalition University’s curriculum is divided into easy-to-learn tiered courses, allowing users to learn at their own pace.

Taught by Concealed Coalition’s National Training Director Austin Davis, Concealed Coalition University dives far deeper than traditional firearms training to help you understand how a criminal prepares for crime, and how to best avoid becoming a victim. New courses will be added on a monthly basis to ensure that members are always staying up-to-date and refining their skillset.

Curriculum is divided into tiered courses to allow users to learn at their own pace and on their own time. Upon passing each course, you will receive a certificate of completion to mark your achievements and will be able to compete with other students on the leaderboard for prizes. The user-friendly interface features forums where users can engage with one another, a section to review the latest news in the community, additional resources, and much more.

Unlike anything currently on the market, Concealed Coalition University boils defensive living down to a science that is easily digestible for students of all experience levels and backgrounds. Rather than just training what to do in a fight, Austin Davis walks you through how to avoid crime, manage a situation if crime cannot be avoided, and how to recover from crime.

What is Firearms Legal Protection?

Firearms Legal Protection is a legal defense for self defense program that provides uncapped legal defense coverage for its members who legally use a weapon in self-defense or defense of others. Firearms Legal Protection is a legal service plan that provides its members with peace of mind that they can protect themselves and their loved ones.

Most firearm owners are completely unaware that a self-defense incident could end in prosecution, potentially jeopardizing their family, finances, and liberty. If you are forced to defend yourself, you will likely be arrested, have your firearm confiscated, and be required to adhere to the judicial process. You need a protection plan and an experienced attorney to walk with you through a very serious situation.

A Concealed Coalition member calls her lawyer for help.
Firearms Legal Protection is there to protect you if you ever need to protect yourself.

Their motto is “protect yourself, we will protect you”. FLP agrees that it is absolutely ridiculous that good, law-abiding citizens end up paying the price financially for the actions of criminals. So they put together a specialized legal program designed for legally armed and responsible defenders like you.

Being a member of Concealed Coalition means that your attorney fees are paid IN FULL UPFRONT, no caps, no limits, no copays, no deductibles, no reimbursements. The only incentive your attorney has is to do what is in your best interest.

What is Included in the Membership?

At Concealed Coalition, we believe that we are all called to be Guardians Always, and Warriors When Needed. To equip our members with the tools they need to answer that call, we created 3 different packages to fit any budget.

The Concealed Coalition Membership is available in three different tiers: Guardian at $39/month, Protector at $49/month, and Family Protector at $59/month billed to your credit card. Each package includes a Firearms Legal Protection plan and unlimited access to Concealed Coalition University.

Concealed Coalition Membership Packages (2024)
The Concealed Coalition Membership has 3 different options, so you can choose the one that fits best for you.

Packages differ based on added benefits to the Firearms Legal Protection plan, and VIP access to Concealed Coalition events, webinars, and access to the dedicated Facebook Group where you can ask any additional questions and connect with Concealed Coalition trainers. When you become a member of Concealed Coalition and FLP, you join a growing community of responsible gun owners committed to protecting what matters most to make our communities a safer place.

Is Firearms Legal Protection Available in All States?

Unfortunately FLP is not yet available in every state. However, their team is working diligently to bridge the gap by continually adding new states to their offerings. Currently, Firearms Legal Protection is NOT available in: Arkansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Alaska, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Rhode Island, Vermont , Washington, Wyoming, Georgia and Florida.

If you reside in a state that does not include Firearms Legal Protection, you can still become a member of Concealed Coalition University for a small monthly fee. When your state does become available for FLP coverage, we will notify you.

You carry a firearm and practice defensive living because you don’t want to outsource your safety to anyone. Armed with the knowledge from Concealed Coalition University and the security from Firearms Legal Protection, you can become your own first responder. So what are you waiting for? Join the Coalition today!

State Reciprocity Maps
Map of the All States

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