The Ultimate Online Personal Defense Course to Protect Home & Family

Personal Defense Course cover

When it comes to self protection courses, you have several options. If you’re looking for firearm safety classes for the purpose of meeting state requirements for CCW permit certification, online and in-person training is available. 

Whether you do it online or in-person depends on what your state requires, of course. Or if you’re looking for physical self protection courses like Krav Maga or Brazilian JiuJitsu, those are certainly worthwhile and valuable as well.

For everyone else seeking self protection courses they can learn security tactics and skills from – in the comfort of their (hopefully safe and secure) home – we have the ultimate online personal defense course for you: Concealed Coalition University

The Value of the Concealed Coalition University Personal Defense Course

At Concealed Coalition, we’re passionate about empowering you with the skills you need for self-protection. Our online personal defense course, Concealed Coalition University, is designed to cover everything essential for your safety and confidence.

In our video curriculum of self-protection courses taught by nationally known defensive living expert Austin Davis (who’s also an active member of law enforcement), you’ll learn how to sharpen your mental awareness. This means understanding how to read people’s emotions and manage situations calmly, just like a professional. It’s not just about physical strength; it’s about having a trained mind.

Another key component of our personal defense class is de-escalation. Like a skilled negotiator, you’ll learn to change the tone of a dangerous situation using carefully chosen words and narratives. This is crucial in avoiding conflicts and ensuring safety.

In our personal defense course, we also emphasize the importance of control words. What you say and how you say it can significantly impact a tense situation. We’ll teach you simple yet effective phrases to help you manage aggressors and defuse potential threats.

Physical skills are also a vital part of our self-protection courses. No matter your size or strength, we’ll help you develop formidable defensive skills to enhance your personal safety and boost your self-confidence.

Understanding firearms and their control in confrontational situations is another critical aspect. Our personal defense class covers the essential control factors that could give you the upper hand in any gun-related confrontation, emphasizing the importance of control and strategy.

We additionally delve into the use of force. It’s essential to know how to balance your response in any given situation. In our personal defense course, you’ll learn to avoid overreacting, which could lead to legal consequences, as well as underreacting, which could endanger your life.

Personal defense course
Part of our curriculum of self protection courses in Concealed Coalition University includes instruction on being aware of your surroundings and determining how to respond.

Our course also tackles the concept of normalcy bias. We train you to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, helping you anticipate and react to potential dangers before they escalate.

And should you ever find yourself in a post-incident situation, our personal defense class prepares you for the legal aftermath. We guide you on the importance of having a defense strategy and the right legal support to prove self-defense, if necessary.

Lastly, we know how important your home and family are to you. Our course includes strategies for building a comprehensive plan to protect what matters most to you, ensuring you’re prepared for any trouble that might come knocking at your door.

The training material in our family and personal defense course is not unlike much of the training used in different aspects of law enforcement, military, and professional security personnel. At Concealed Coalition University, we equip you with the skills to be your own first responder. Upon becoming a certified graduate of the program, you’ll receive certificates in all nine of our acclaimed courses!

Note: Concealed Coalition University is not a CCW permit certification course although we have those courses available too. The power of Concealed Coalition University rests within YOU, where each video training builds upon the next, ultimately transforming you into the protector you and your family need you to be.

More Than a Personal Defense Course: A Community

The nature of an online personal defense class can make it feel like an isolating experience. That’s one reason we’ve created a Concealed Coalition University VIP Facebook group. When you enroll in Concealed Coalition University, you are invited to join this exclusive, invitation-only community dedicated to self-defense, accessible only to members. 

Plus, gain direct access to leading defensive living trainers, like Austin Davis, and engage in meaningful discussions, share your experiences, and ask questions within this close-knit group of enthusiasts and experts.

Reviews of the Concealed Coalition University Personal Defense Class

A few raving reviews Concealed Coalition University has already received:

“I’m just getting started but everything is easy to understand the way it is taught. CCU is a good learning tool.” – Jeff W.

“CCU is a great place to be educated about the in’s and out’s of the world of firearms and the safe use and carry of them. CCU is definitely worth it.” – Marc B.

“I’m new to gun ownership and these classes are the best! I’ve learned so much, I’ve told my daughter and friend they need to check out this program and on a personal note the instructors (speaker & actors showing scenarios) at CCU are the best!” – Donna G.

In Search of Self Protection Courses? Enrollment Is Currently Open!

If you’re looking for self-protection courses that teach you vital security tactics and skills right from the safety of your own home, look no further. 

Concealed Coalition University offers the ultimate online personal defense course, tailored just for you. Don’t wait to empower yourself – enroll today and take the first step towards mastering personal safety and confidence!

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