With a national reputation for conservative values, you would assume that Texas would be one of the top states for gun laws. But somewhat surprisingly, they are not at the top according to many gun-rights proponents.
While they are certainly one of the better states for gun rights, Guns & Ammo listed Texas #14 in their Best States for Concealed Carry article, placing them in the top third, but just barely. Texas earned high marks thanks to many laws, including a restriction on cities from enforcing firearms prohibitions and a law that colleges are universities are not automatically prohibited concealed-carry locations.
According to the NRA, Texas has no permit to purchase for rifles, shotguns, and handguns, and no registration of firearms is required. There is no licensing requirements for owners, but a permit to carry handguns is required.
While Texas requires a permit, they are a “shall issue” state, which essentially means that once an individual has met certain requirements set by the state, the granting authority has no choice in the matter; they must issue. This also means that the applicant does not need to demonstrate a specific reason to carry, but rather is granted the right to carry regardless of their reasons or the opinion of an issuing authority. Many gun-rights advocates see “shall issue” as an important factor for personal protection.
Texas has a castle doctrine, which is seen as important for home protection. The Lone Star State also has conditional recognition of right-to-carry permits from other states. Their permits are recognized by numerous states, including all bordering states.
Texas remains one of the top states in the nation for concealed-carry and overall firearms rights. With permits issued by the Department of Safety to both residents and non-residents, Texas may not be considered the best, but it remains an ideal state if you value the right to own and carry firearms for personal and home protection.